
Facts, Not assumptions.


Example subtitle

MSIntelligence™ tailors the format of its report to the needs and wishes of each and every client.

Upon conclusion of each survey, the accumulated information is presented to the client in graphical format, according to parameters and categories characteristic of each client.

The resolution of the results is also tailored to the needs of the client, e.g., timeline comparisons, comparisons by location (with resolution that varies from neighborhoods / ZIP codes / sectors / city or country level), comparisons between different brands/manufacturers, etc.

The presentation provided at the end of every survey constitutes a summary of all the findings, in a clear, consistent visual format.

In addition, we send our clients all the empty packs collected plus a full data sheet (one row for each pack) indicating all the collection parameters (time, location, etc.) and all the specifications of the pack.

Following are several samples of MSIntelligence ®; final reports:

Our Solutions

We Provide the best solutions for your needs

Industrial Market Surveys

A powerfull indicator of trends and changes resulting from corporate policy and regulatory measures.

General Market Surveys

Uderstandig consumer consuption
for a particular brand or
group of products.

Focused Market Surveys

Focused Market Surveys (FMS) are designed to isolate and analyze prolems in a specific location.